Wanted: bassoons to re-home
January 16th, 2024

Do you have a bassoon or contrabassoon languishing under your bed, or sitting unloved in the corner?
Perhaps you gave up long ago and your plans to start again have never come to fruition? Or maybe you have moved on to another instrument?
Either way, maybe it is time to think of finding a new home for it.
We understand why you have hesitated to take that step – private sales are fraught with difficulty and risk.
This is where we can help. We make it easy, safe and hassle-free to sell your instrument. We will prepare it for sale, advertise it, insure it, arrange trials and negotiate with prospective buyers.
In short, all you need to do is bring or send us your instrument and we do the rest, keeping you informed along the way.
Contrabassoons, mid-range bassoons and professional bassoons are particularly sought-after in the current market, so if you have one of these it really is a good time to sell.
If you would like to know more about our commission sale service please look at our articles Has the time finally come and Has the time finally come part 2 plus our commission sale form. But more pertinently – please get in touch, we would love to help.
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